
I'm Atul Chourasia , I am a Computer Engineer

Passionate tech enthusiast and frontend wizard, turning innovative ideas into impactful solutions—one line of code at a time.

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Who are you?

Atul Chourasia

Computer Engineer

I am a Master's student in Information Technology at the Indian Institute of Technology, Allahabad. With a passion for developing scalable and efficient software solutions, I specialize in frontend development, full-stack projects, and large language models. My goal is to leverage my skills in cutting-edge technology to create impactful applications. Currently seeking opportunities where I can contribute to innovative projects and further enhance my expertise.

Experience .


Sparks Foundation

Thesis Project


Front-End Developer(Intern)

Feb 2020 - Apr 2022 (2 Months)


Worked as a frontend Intern, Helped Renewing UI of the official website. Designed Frontend of the website(Figma).Debuged and optimized their official website(React.js). Interacted with users. Mainly worked with (React, javascript, HTML, CSS, Figma)

Projects .

Music Player - Vibes

Music player with control buttons which is made with ReactJS.

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Beautiful UI-Design with Smooth Animations using Vanilla Javascript.

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Elena Joy

A Beautiful Responsive UI design with pure HTML & Css only

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E-commerce Website

Its a t-shirt store made using MERN stack and for payment gateway integration i have used Stripe.

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Skills .

*hover mouse cursor over card to read*

ícone do html
ícone do css
ícone do javascript
ícone do sass
ícone do react
ícone do next
ícone do styled
ícone do tailwind
ícone do typescript